Our Happy Heart

Our Happy Heart: Our Happy Heart: Self Awareness Through Education and Inspiration. 

Every time I watch the Polar Express I cry. My husband always shakes his head, sometimes he laughs at me, or smirks, and other times he hands me a tissue. I tend to cry with a lot of movies. Do not even sit with me during a Disney movie unless you are ready for some water works. Why do I cry, you ask? Because I believe! I believe so deeply in my soul and my heart that each one of us can be amazing, and live our full potential! So, every time I watch a movie I feel the belief and then I cry. I get a chance to release. I root for the main character…most of the time. I am sure there are others like me out there. If there are, I want to meet you! We must band together with our tissues!

In the Polar Express movie, there is one child that cannot hear Santa’s sleigh bells. once he uses the mantra ‘I believe’ over and over he finally hears the bell ring! I believe with such conviction that each one of us can hear and feel deep inside our hearts our own beliefs and share that with the world. This young boy believed. What did he believe in? In essence, he believed in himself! If he did not believe in himself, he would not have been able to hear the bell.

Why is it that we have this belief and spirit around Christmas time, and not all year round? I am sure there are people who have “Christmas” spirit all year round. I asked a few people this question and got a range of answers. One answer was that, ‘humans have never been like that’. So my question for us is, why not? Why not be amazing and have spirit in your heart all year round. Why not believe in yourself and others, all year round?

Also, why do we have to grow up? The parents cannot hear the bell. Obviously, the movie is hinting that as you grow older you lose your ‘Christmas’ spirit. In this fast paced, over stimulated world we live in, yes, I can see how a lot of parents would not hear the bell. Does that mean it has to be this way? NO! I say, we do not have to lose our ‘Christmas’ spirit.

Here are five ways to keep hearing Santa’s Sleigh Bells!


If you live in a place that has snow. Make a snowman! Better yet, make snow-angels, or have a snowball fight. How long has it been since you did that?
Bake cookies! If you do not like to bake, or are a terrible baker, make friends with someone who does bake. You provide the beverages and laughter!
Decorate. Make decorations for the house, or tree, or for gifts you can give to family and friends.
Find a bell, and ring it. Laugh at yourself and think about what you believe. Doesn’t this feel good?
Make a Christmas wish! There are only two types of wishes: those that have come true, and those that are coming true.
This is by no means a complete list of things that can keep your ‘Christmas’ spirit. I am sure you can come up with a lot of them on your own. However, if you try any of these, how much fun would it be?